U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) is the global entity that names, tracks, and documents Antarctic icebergs that meet the criteria of 20 sqNM or greater, or 10 NM on its longest axis. Iceberg …
Ice Analysts use a combination of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), visible, and infrared remotely sensed imagery in Antarctica to locate and track icebergs.
As of August 15th, B-22A was centered at 72°41' South and 126°14' West and measured 33 nautical miles on its longest axis and 26 nautical miles on its widest axis. The U.S. National Ice …
Based on U.S. National Ice Center's Antarctic daily and weekly analyses, various ice charts are produced to represent ice conditions in a graphical format. Ice conditions are based on ice …
The Antarctic region is a main area for ice analysis by the U.S. National Ice Center. Antarctica is analyzed by concentration daily, with a more detailed analysis containing concentration and …
Suitland, MD — The U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) has confirmed A-76 has calved from the Ronne Ice Shelf. On May 13th, the new iceberg A-76 was located at 75° 17' South, 58° 54' …