Endlich gibt es die ersten Bilder des neuen Films von Oppenheimer-Regisseur Christopher Nolan zu sehen - mit Marvel-Star Tom ...
Die Produktion von Christopher Nolans The Odyssey ist in vollem Gange. Seit gut drei Wochen sollen die Dreharbeiten bereits laufen. Gedreht wird voraussichtlich bis Ende April in Griechenland, ...
Set images from Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey show Tom Holland filming scenes for the upcoming fantasy epic.
A few first look photos have been released from the set of Christopher Nolan ’s next epic, The Odyssey . They feature Tom Holland in what is reportedly the lead role, aside from Matt Damon ’s Odysseus ...
Some new set photos from Christopher Nolan's adaptation of The Odyssey give us our first look at Tom Holland's character.
Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated film The Odyssey has been in production for several weeks, building excitement among fans. The film, based on the ancient Greek epic by Homer, stars Matt Damon ...
Tom Holland's viral behind-the-scenes picture from Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey set sparks excitement. See the details ...
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