The sun was shining, hip music was playing and service members were shivering in the McChord Outdoor Pool. It was ...
It might not have been true polar temperatures, but this weekend’s Lake Cumberland Polar Plunge was definitely chilly.
TOWNSEND — North Middlesex Regional is once again ready to take the plunge. Special Olympics of Massachusetts is returning with its Bear Force One mobile Polar Plunge trailer to North Middlesex ...
The Memphis Flyer is Memphis’ alternative newsweekly, serving the metro Memphis area of nearly a million residents. The Flyer was started in 1989 by Contemporary Media, Inc., the locally owned ...
According to the organizers, the plunge works like a walk-a-thon, with Polar Bears raising a “bear” minimum of $100 ($65 for Junior Polar Bears, who are under 18) to earn the right to plunge.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WNDU) - Many brave souls took a plunge for a good cause over the weekend at the annual Polar Plunge at Four Winds Field! The event was organized by Special Olympics Indiana.
A Jersey Shore beach in Ocean County was unusually crowded for a winter day on Saturday. The 32nd annual Polar Bear Plunge at Seaside Heights drew 7,500 polar plungers who walked, ran or briefly ...
The 32nd annual Polar Bear Plunge at Seaside Heights drew 7,500 polar plungers who walked, ran or briefly submerged into the Atlantic Ocean, officials said.
Ocean temperatures were 39 degrees but hearts were warm at Special Olympics New Jersey's 32nd annual fundraiser.
ISLE OF PALMS, S.C. (WCIV) — The Special Olympics polar plunge at the Windjammer drew hundreds of supporters Saturday afternoon, raising $47,000 for South Carolina Special Olympics athletes.
That’s the question we’re asking, as we gear up for the New River Polar Plunge. Every year thousands of individuals jump into frozen oceans, rivers, and pools to Support Special Olympics Virginia.
GROSSE ILE, Mich. (WXYZ) — The water is 34 degrees, and it's frigid in Grosse Ile. But that didn't stop people from taking a polar plunge. Around 20 law enforcement ...