Peru’s Congress has passed a controversial reform expanding the powers of a government agency which oversees international aid. The changes impose strict controls on non-profit organizations, requirin ...
As darkness seeped across the mountains of Nepal, a “long”-fingered creature with “green-grey” eyes emerged from its hiding ...
In the arid mountains of northern Oman, rocky caves hold pools of water.
As night fell across Nepal, a “long”-limbed creature emerged from its hiding place and climbed along some rocks near a ...
A tiny marsupial species declared extinct decades ago may still be hopping around in the deserts of Australia — and a new study offers a potential roadmap for its rediscovery. The desert rat-kangaroo, ...
Eunice siphoninsidiator, or the tube ambushing marine bristle worm, was discovered within the structure of glass sponges by a ...
In the Dabie Mountains of China, crystal clear streams cut through the ravines and run into deep, rocky pools. The water ...
The method is still used in Colombia and, in 2020, was added to UNESCO’s list ... Aspen Pflughoeft covers real-time news for ...