The 340B Drug Pricing Program helps ensure access to care for patients and communities most in need. A bipartisan effort by ...
Oklahoma House Bill 2048 aims to protect the 340B drug discount program from pharmaceutical misinformation, ensuring fair ...
Since 2020, six of eight community health centers in Rhode Island have seen their revenue from the 340B Drug Discount Program ...
The AHA has filed a number of friend-of-the-court briefs in cases before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ...
Bills passed in the Michigan Senate Thursday aim to protect access to a federal drug affordability program. Colin Jackson has ...
The pharmaceutical industry and Colorado's hospitals agree that a federal program intended to reduce the cost of outpatient ...
Several bills this session deal with a federal program known as the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Lawmakers say the measures ...
The bill (LB168) from Sen. Brian Hardin of Gering would prohibit drugmakers from restricting the sale of medications included ...
On Wednesday morning, the Nebraska Legislature advanced LB168 which was introduced by state senator Brian Hardin in ...
Legislative Bill 168, advanced 41-0, would forbid drugmakers taking part in Medicaid from denying or hindering eligible ...
Both sides agree: 340b is flawed The program in question is known as 340b, named for the section of the law in which it is defined. Established in 1992, it allows eligible health care ...
The 340B drug pricing program is complicated. A clinic leader and a hospital said that’s making it easy for there to be misunderstandings about if the savings are being passed onto the patient.