Escalating trade wars, triggered by action taken by US president Donald Trump, could fundamentally alter the way some businesses source products or materials and the markets they choose to operate in, ...
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New planning laws have been proposed by the UK government aimed at enabling new homes and infrastructure to be developed ...
Actions that UK employers must take to proactively prevent sexual harassment in the workplace can be a driver for tackling ...
The meeting held yesterday focused on the situation in Ukraine and possible implications for future European defence spending plans. The meeting saw leaders discuss Russia’s current positioning, while ...
Recently published ‘green belt’ guidance from the UK government is helpful in setting out how the policies within England’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) should be applied, an expert has ...
Current signalling suggests that the French anti-corruption regulator has no intention of slowing down – and may become the new anti-corruption pacesetter, an expert has said. Edward James, ...