When the 2023 XFL season kicks off Saturday, Feb. 18, it will mark the first time that a woman or Latina will serve as the owner of a professional sports league. Dany Garcia is co-owner of the XFL, ...
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)'s Eastern Pennsylvania District acknowledged compelling loans to small Black-owned businesses and underserved communities have increased. This increase has ...
The renowned telenovela actress Gaby Spanic, actor Juan Pablo Gil, singer Marisol Terrazas, Mexican comedian Tony Balardi, impersonator Gilberto Gless, Mexican television star Alana Lliteras, former ...
“I am very proud of not only being a content creator, but also my identity as a Puerto Rican LGBTQIA+ woman. I wanted my set in Fortnite to be true and clear as I am. I've been able to build an ...
Netflix and the Colombian Television network Caracol TV are in charge of the new TV series surrounding the life of Vicente Fernández. Caracol TV will air the series in Colombia and Netflix will stream ...
El martes 30 de enero de 2018, momentos antes de que el presidente Donald Trump diera su discurso de State of the Union —el informe de sus primeros doce meses de gobierno—, un grupo de jóvenes ...
“Conflicto de Intereses” es un concepto que la familia Trump desconoce por completo. Después de que Donald Trump llegara a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, su hija Ivanka Trump y su yerno Jared ...
Recientemente, América Latina ha recibido mucha atención por el número de países de la región que han realizado una labor reprobable en la lucha contra la actual crisis mundial de salud pública en ...
El 2008 ha sido un año sangriento en Puerto Rico, donde el pasado fin de semana sumaron 802 asesinatos perpetrados en la isla, la cifra más alta desde 1996, cuando fueron 868. Con unos cuatro millones ...
Traditionally, Mexico City commemorates the 1985 catastrophe with a huge drill involving millions of citizens, who were caught on Tuesday reacting to a real earthquake. President Enrique Peña Nieto ...
While Old San Juan burns, embattled Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló, in an act of stupefying defiance, said he will not resign and vowed to “keep on working,” even as thousands of Puerto Ricans ...
The world changed in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001 and for historians, the attacks marked the turn of the century. But since then and until now, many are the milestones that have ...