Amazon, Economic

If they have to spend, they are encouraged to buy from a local business.  It is difficult to gauge the economic ...
U.S. consumers were encouraged to abstain from purchasing any non-essential goods on Feb. 28, as part of a 24-hour buying ...
A grassroots effort is asking American consumers to refrain from making purchases at major retailers for one day in February.
The February 28 economic blackout highlights rising food costs, corporate power, and shifting consumer habits. What does it ...
The blackout was organized by The People’s Union USA and is the movement’s first action, described as “a symbolic start to ...
Many consumers nationwide plan to participate in a 24-hour economic blackout on Friday, which started after midnight, to ...
The man who launched the Economic Blackout said he is "trying to cause economic resistance, against the corporations and ...
Friday, a nationwide movement asked people to keep their hard earned money in their pockets for 24 hours also happened in ...