Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been playing the role of a Ukrainian Winston Churchill, confidently defending his country with Western support. Now, Donald Trump has flipped the script.
Alexandr Dolgopolov used to travel the world as a tennis professional. Now, he is on the front lines in Ukraine. In an ...
The use of artificial intelligence is changing the balance of power on the battlefield and in the German arms industry.
With the iPhone 16e, Apple has launched a new middle-class device. The 5G chip it uses was largely developed in Munich. DER ...
In his new book, "The World After Gaza," Indian author Pankaj Mishra is sharply critical of Western support for Israel's war in Gaza. He is particularly disapproving of German politics and memory ...
Three weeks ago, Don Junior, Trump’s oldest son, paid a brief visit to Nuuk. He posed for a photo in front of the Egede statue, but was apparently ignorant of its symbolism. A local photographer ...
A Family Taken Hostage by Hamas "The First Time in 484 Days that I Woke Up without Fear" Two of her children were held captive by Hamas, as was – until a few days ago – their father.
Die Politik der Trump-Regierung mit der Abrissbirne birgt ein hohes wirtschaftliches Risiko. Die konkreten Auswirkungen wären ...
Augsburg und Freiburg gehören in der Bundesliga zu den formstärksten Mannschaften. Die Serien der beiden Teams hielten im ...
Donald Trump gilt als Mann der Märkte, aber an der Börse ist seine zweite Präsidentschaft bislang ein Flop. Ökonom Martin Lück erklärt, was falsch läuft, ob der KI-Hype vorbei ist – und wieso europäis ...
Moderator Conan O'Brien konnte sich bei den Oscars offenbar einen Seitenhieb auf Donald Trumps Außenpolitik nicht verkneifen.
Bei Prominenten wird die Herausforderung Marathon immer beliebter. Auch Popstar Harry Styles hat sich nun in Tokio an die ...