The bird was in fact a ruddy shelduck, a species protected by the European Union bird directive, said Andrea Zanoni, a regional counselor and animal activist in Veneto with the Green Europe party. The ...
The local magistrate opened the investigation on February 9 following a legal complaint by regional Green politician Andrea Zanoni and various environmental associations. Zanoni based his ...
(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 4 - Veneto Green Europe Regional Councillor Andrea Zanoni on Tuesday told ANSA he has filed a criminal complaint to forestry Carabinieri police in Mestre over Donald Trump Jr ...
According to an Italian newspaper, the Venice Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation that stemmed from a legal complaint made by Green politician Andrea Zanoni. President Trump’s son ...
Andrea Zanoni of the Europa Verde party in the northern Veneto region cited a video posted on the Field Ethos website for male adventurers founded by Trump. It shows Trump on a recent hunt in the ...
The case was opened based on complaints filed by several animal rights activists and regional councilor Andrea Zanoni. The head of the investigation is the lagoon prosecutor Daniela Moroni.
An Italian lawmaker has filed a legal complaint for hunting without a license against Donald Trump Jr. and his hunting party after video emerged showing him surrounded by dead birds that he and ...
The bird was in fact a ruddy shelduck, a species protected by the European Union bird directive, said Andrea Zanoni, a regional counselor and animal activist in Veneto with the Green Europe party.
At one point, Trump is shown next to a dead duck that Zanoni identifies as a ruddy shelduck. The species is protected in Europe, and killing one is a criminal offense in Italy, Zanoni said.